Reading Now

In this lesson for the Books app on the iPhone, I take a look at the Reading Now section of the Books app, which is where we find out books we are reading now as well as recommendations for new books to read.

Current Book you are Reading
The current book you are reading is shown at the top. You tap on it to open it. You will see a percentage at the bottom of the book, this shows how far you have read into the book. You can also tap on the three dots or ellipsis to view more options including rating the book, loving the book, or disliking the book.

Viewing Recent Books
Below the book you are reading now will be books that you have read recently. Tap on any one of these to open the book.

For You
The books in the For You section are books that are recommended for you based on books you’ve purchased, books you’ve loved, and books you’ve disliked.

See this Lesson Action
To see this lesson in action, take a look at the video above.

Lesson tags: iPhone Tutorials
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