Adding, Completing, and Viewing Completed Reminders

In this lesson for Reminders on the iPhone we look at how to add, complete, view our completed reminders, and delete a reminder in the Reminders app on the iPhone.

Viewing all your Reminder Lists
To view all of your lists, you go down to the bottom of your iPhone when you are looking at your Reminders. You’ll see a stack of cards, these are your lists. Tap on these cards to view all your lists.

Adding a Reminder to a List
To add a reminder to a list, you first open the list you want to add the reminder too. Then tap on the ‘+’ in the lower left corner to add your reminder. Once you add a reminder, you can tap on the ‘return’ key to add another item to your list.

Completing a Reminder
To complete a reminder, you just tap on the circle to the left of the reminder title. Once you do this, it will mark it as complete and move it to the Completed section of your list.

Viewing Completed Lists
When you are looking at your reminders in a list, at the bottom you will see Show Completed. Tap on this to show your completed reminders. you can move any reminder back to your list by tapping on the circle to the left of the name. This will mark it as incomplete and move it back to where you can view all your incomplete reminders.

Deleting a Reminder
You can swipe to the left on a reminder to delete it or you can delete it through the Information screen. To get to the Information screen, you tap on the ‘i’ to the right of the reminder you want to access the information screen for, or you can swipe to the left on a reminder until you see ‘More’. Tap on more to get to the Information screen. At the very bottom of the reminder, you will see Delete. The easiest way is to just swipe to the left on a Reminder until it is deleted.

See this lesson in Action
If you want to see how this works in action, I show you how this all works in the video above.

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