Updated: Privacy Options

In this lesson for macOS Mojave, I look at the new privacy options macOS Mojave has, including how to see which apps are using the camera, microphone, contacts, calendars, and more.

Accessing Privacy Options
To access the Privacy Options, you need to go to your System Preferences. From there select Security & Privacy. You’ll see a tab for Privacy, select Privacy. This is where you will find what apps have access to various information including your contacts, your calendar, and your location. To see what apps have access to your contacts as an example, select Contacts on the left. You’ll see which app have access to your contacts and you can revoke that access if you’d like.

New macOS Mojave Privacy Options
macOS Mojave added several new privacy options including Camera, Microphone, Full Disk Access, Automation, Analytics, and Advertising. Just select any one of these options to see which apps have access and what options you have for restrictions.

See this Lesson Action
To see this lesson in action, take a look at the video above.

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