Tagging Files and Folders

In this lesson for macOS Mojave, I look at tag files and folders on the Mac. Tags could be priority, projects, whatever you want them to be. Also, you can apply more than one tag to a file or folder.

Setting Up Tags
The first thing you may want to do is set up the tags, or create the tags you want to use. To do this, you need to go to the Finder Preferences. You will find this under Finder in the Menu Bar. When you select Preferences, a new window will open, select the Tags tab.

Creating Tags
To create a tag, click on the ‘+’ at the bottom of the list of tags. Type the name of the tag, and when you click on the color, you can assign the tag color. To rename a tag, click on the tag name in the list. To change the color, click on the color icon to the left of the tag name. The tags in the list will show in the Sidebar of a Finder window.

Favorite Tags
Your favorite tags will show under File in the Menu bar and when you secondary menu (hold the Control Key and click) on a file. To favorite a tag, you drag it down to the favorites while in the Finder Preferences.

Applying tags
To apply a tag, just select the file or folders, you can choose more than one, and then drag them on a tag in the sidebar, or you can apply one of your favorite tags by clicking on it int he File menu or using the secondary menu. To remove a tag, select the tag again, it will have an ‘x’ in it if it has been applied. You can apply more than one tag to a file or folder.

Viewing Files by Tag
To view all the files with a specific tag, click on the tag in the sidebar in a Finder window.

See this Lesson Action
To see this lesson in action, take a look at the video above.

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