Learn how to set the Homepage in Safari on your Mac.

Change Safari’s Homepage on your Mac

Video is for Members Only

Are you wanting to set a different Homepage in Safari on your Mac?

  1. Open Safari
  2. Go to the website you want to make your Homepage
  3. Open Safari Preferences
  4. Go to the General Tab
  5. Click on ‘Set as Current Homepage’
  6. Set if you want new windows and new tabs to open to your new Homepage
Learn which watchOS you have installed on your Apple Watch.

LESSON PREVIEW: Which watchOS am I using?

Video is for Members Only

See what I am working on before it is released. This video is from my upcoming Tutor for Apple Watch with watchOS 5.

What you’ll learn in this teaser lesson from Tutor for Apple Watch with watchOS 5:

• How to find out which watchOS you are using from the Apple Watch
• How to find out which watchOS you are using from the Watch app on the iPhone


Get more detail from the Weather App on the iPhone

Video is for Members Only

Did you know you could get more weather detail from the Weather app on the iPhone? Just open the Weather app and go to the location you need more detail on. From there, tap on the Weather Channel icon in the lower left corner. Safari will open to weather.com and you’ll be able to see more weather detail for your selected location.


How to Force Quit an App on the Mac

Video is for Members Only

Need to force quit an app you are having an issue with on the Mac? Just go to the Apple Menu, select Force Quit, and then select the app you want to force quit and click on the Force Quit button. The app will quit. When you do this, any changes you made since the document was last saved, may be lost.

See how easy it is to Gift a Membership

Do you have a family member or friend who could benefit from a membership to Noteboom Tutorials? Did you know you could buy them a membership? When you gift a membership, your recipient will create their own account and have instant access to all the tutorials, lessons, and tips on the site for one year. Gift memberships are not a subscription and will not renew at the end of a year. It’s easy! Take a look at my new video to see how easy it is. There is one catch though – only members can gift a membership at this time.

Dan Wassink

Noteboom Tutorials is now Faster

This article is more on what’s new with my site than anything else. What’s new? It’s faster! For a while now (years?), I’ve been trying different things to make my site faster. This included upgrading my hosting plan, playing around with cache, and using content delivery networks. I’ve also hired WordPress developers to help in speeding up the site. Nothing really worked right or up to my satisfaction… until now. I finally found a way to make my site faster – a new host. It’s always a bit scary to change hosts which is why I really didn’t want to do this, but my new host (https://kinsta.com) made it easy with minimal issues. Kinsta is relatively new in the hosting world and they focus on WordPress only, which is what my site is based on. They also come highly recommended from the company that manages my memberships, Membermouse. So after some research, I thought I’d go for it. The good news is it seems to be working! My preliminary tests are it’s considerably faster. :)

Here are few reasons why I switched.

  • They are obsessed with speed and offer resource isolation and automatic scalability.
  • They monitor my site 24/7 with DDoS detection and hardwire firewalls.
  • They are powered by Google Cloud Platform. If it’s good enough for Google, it’s good enough for me.
  • They have automatic backups.
  • They have a CDN (Content Delivery Network).
  • They have a hack guarantee. They are proactive in preventing any hacks.
  • And, of course, they are secure. It’s not a reason why I switched as my last host was too, but it helps.

Now some of what I mentioned above can be handled with WordPress plugins, but with Kinsta, they built most of it in the hosting, so I don’t need the plugins! No more resources being used for a backup plugin as an example. This lets the server do more on getting the pages faster to you.

I’m pretty excited about this as you can probably tell! I still have a little work to do, but this was a big step.

Has this stopped my tutorials? Nope – next week look for an all new tutorial on using Autofill on Safari on the Mac. This includes autofilling forms using your contact information, autofilling credit card forms, and most important, autofilling username and passwords!

If you have any questions, or even more though, if you have any issues, start a chat with me below or  let me know via email.


Dan Wassink

Dan Wassink

Noteboom Tutorials had a Slight Redesign making it Easier to Use

Over the course of the last week or so, I’ve been tinkering with the site. One thing lead to another and now the site has been slightly redesigned with the goal of making it easier to navigate and use. What has changed?

  • Fewer Menus: At the top of my site I reduced the number of menu options available. It started getting a bit confusing and I thought I’d simplify it a bit by reducing the options.
  • All the Tutorials are on a single page: I moved all the tutorials to a single page and added a navigation menu to the top of the page to go to a specific device’s tutorials. I also reorganized how the tutorials are displayed.
  • All the Tips are on a single page: Similar to the tutorials, I moved all my tips to a single page. I also categorized my new Video Quick Tips. You can click on the menu at the top of the page to go to a specific category.
  • Account Page: I simplified the Account page by removing information that is not needed, like the address and shipping information.
  • About Me: I updated the About Me section. The information was getting a bit dated, so I thought I should update it.
  • Contact Us is now called Support: The Contact Us page is now called Support, being that’s really what it is. If you want to contact me, use my Chat located at the bottom right of your browser.
  • Chat: On the chat, I made the footprint smaller so it is not covering as much of my site. Now it is just a bubble in the lower right. Click on it to start a chat with me.
  • Member Dashboard: I moved things around on the Dashboard. Basically I moved the text about your membership to the sidebar. When I did this, it brought up or gave more room to show what is new in my tutorials and tips as well as gave easier access to the tutorials you are currently taking.
  • Sidebars are now all on the left: In the past, I had the sidebar on the left or right depending on the page your were looking at. This was not very smart as it moved from page to page, again depending on what page your we’re on. Now all the sidebars are on the left.
  • Other changes: I made other small changes that should make your experience better, but they are more minor and behind the scenes as they say.

Knowing myself, I may make a few more changes as I play around with the site. If it is major, I’ll let you know. In the meantime, take a look at my site tour which shows how the site works. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. – Dan