What’s New in the Messages App

In this lesson for What’s New on the iPad with iOS 12, we look at what’s new in the Messages app on the iPad including how the Messages app now shows contact photos and how we add photos and videos we’ve previously taken to a message.

Show Contact Photos
By default, the Messages app now shows photos of your contacts. You’ll see these photos in your contacts list. If you do not want to show these photos, you can turn this setting off by going to Settings>Messages (open the Settings app and search for Messages). You’ll see a new setting – Show Contact Photos. This is on by default, tap on the slider to turn it off.

Adding Photos and Videos to a Message
To add a photo or video to a message in the past, you would tap on the camera icon to show the camera and your recent photos and videos. Now when you tap on the camera icon in a message, it just opens the camera. To add a photo or video you’ve previously taken, you now need to go to the Photos icon in your Apps for messages. These apps are located below your message. If you do not see the tray of apps, just tap on the “A” icon to the right of the photos icon, the app tray will show below. Now to add photos or videos to a message, you tap on the Photos icon. From there you just tap on which photos and videos you want to add. Once you add them, they will have a blue checkmark in the lower right corner.

See this lesson in Action
If you want to see this lesson in action, I show you how this all works in the video above.

Lesson tags: iPad Tutorials
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